Projet de fin d'étude : Network Intrusion Detection System based on Graph Neural Networks

Etudiant : JAI OTMAN

Filière : Master Big Data Analytics & Smart Systems (BDSaS)

Encadrant : Pr. BERRADA ISMAIL

Annèe : 2022

Résumé : The high volume of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats is drawing growing attention to cybersecurity, where many challenges remain unresolved. Namely, for intrusion detection, new algorithms that are more robust, effective, and able to use more information are needed. Moreover, the intrusion detection task faces a serious challenge associated with the extreme class imbalance between normal and malicious traffics. Recently, graph-neural network (GNN) achieved state-of-the-art performance to model the network topology in cybersecurity tasks. However, only a few works exist using GNNs to tackle the intrusion detection problem. This thesis presents a new network intrusion detection system (NIDS) based on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). GNNs are a relatively new sub-field of deep neural networks, which have the unique ability to leverage the inherent structure of graph-based data. Training and evaluation data for NIDSs are typically represented as flow records, which can naturally be represented in a graph format. This establishes the potential and motivation for exploring GNNs for the purpose of network intrusion detection, which is the focus of this work. E-GraphSAGE, the proposed new approach is based on the established GraphSAGE model, but provides the necessary modifications in order to support edge features for edge classification, and hence the classification of network flows into benign and attack classes. An extensive experimental evaluation based on five recent NIDS benchmark datasets shows the excellent performance of the proposed E-GraphSAGE based NIDS in comparison with the state-of-the-art.